




Deliver faster with a Digital Doorbell

Reaching a recipient is easier then ever before with HeyParcel. Our AI-based model predicts the best time to notify the recipient and also serves as direct replacement for conventional doorbells, which are often missing, broken, without names or numbers or simply have loose connection.

Are you ringing digitally yet?

Our delivery notification service provides real-time updates and digital communication features between courier and consignee without the need for registration in the consignee app.

Real-Time Communication

Get informed in time if the consignee is at the destination to accept the delivery.

Doorbell Replacement

Always be able to ring the consignee's digital doorbell, wherever they are. Let them know a few seconds before the courier is on point to come outside and pick up their parcel or be prepared to open the door.

Time Prediction

The consignee is notified exactly at the right time to receive the delivery. Not 10 minutes before on a live-tracking app, but 1 minute before with a ringing smartphone.

Without HeyParcel

When approaching an address, the courier has no way of knowing if anybody is home.

Additionally, a vast amount of doorbells are broken, have loose connections, no descriptions or they simply can't be found.

Valuable time of the courier is wasted waiting at doors...

...and countless delivery attempts still fail.

Elapsed time
Remaining time
With HeyParcel

HeyParcel's powerful linear-regression AI model can predict delivery times with high accuracy.

The recipient gets notified and optionally responds with the push of a button.


Ringing the recipient's digital doorbell is quick and easy.

No more lost time waiting at the doorstep or searching for the bell.

Elapsed time
Remaining time

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